Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning Service

What is Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning Service
Dementia often is undetected in primary care setting. Adults who manifest subjective signs and/or symptoms of cognitive impairment or dementia should undergo evaluation. Cognitive Assessment and Care Planning (CACP) Service is a Medicare covered visits that is provided when a comprehensive evaluation of a new or existing patient, who exhibits signs and/or symptoms of cognitive impairment, is required to establish or confirm a diagnosis, etiology and severity for the condition.
Typically, 50 minutes are spent face to face with the patient and/or family or caregiver.
Dementia is an acquired syndrome and not part of normal aging. Early diagnosis of dementia and its underlying causes allows for appropriate medical management, access to resources and clinical trials, and future planning with input from the persons living with dementia. Early diagnosis allows individuals to prepare for years of productive and meaningful life ahead.
How Can I Help
Diagnosis of dementia is life changing, early detection and diagnosis affords many benefits to people living with dementia and their care partners. I am passionate about helping people get necessary resources with this life changing diagnosis. Please email Dr. Koyfman to schedule your appointment.